La Sainte Union Catholic School

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About us

Welcome from the Headteacher

La Sainte Union Catholic School provides students with an inclusive and empowering educational experience which equips them with the knowledge, skills and values to fulfil their potential and positively impact the world around them.

High quality, inspirational teaching and warm relationships are at the heart of our success. We have a strong track record of delivering a well-rounded and ambitious curriculum enriched by a wide range of extra-curricular activities, educational visits and trips abroad, theatrical and musical performances, and sporting events.

We are an 11-19 girls school, with a mixed Sixth Form as part of the highly successful LaSWAP consortium. We expose students to the best that culture has to offer and we widen their horizons, supporting them with high-quality information, advice and guidance, so that they may find their true vocation in life.

La Sainte Union provides a supportive environment for young girls to develop a strong sense of identity and a high moral compass. Ours is a diverse community, including students from all faiths and none, grounded in the Gospel values of respect, integrity and social justice. 

I am proud to be Headteacher at La Sainte Union and of the outstanding academic outcomes our school is renowned for. Please explore the website to see what makes our school the best place for supporting students as they learn and grow into the leaders of tomorrow.

Mrs Sophie Fegan, Headteacher