La Sainte Union Catholic School

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Parents And Carers

What do we want of our students?

  • To have a strong set of values 
  • To be motivated, creative and confident learners
  • To be respectful of each other and of different cultures
  • To have a strong sense of personal and social responsibility
  • To be able to make informed choices and pursue healthy life-styles
  • To take pride in their own and the school’s achievements
  • Enjoy attending school and take an active part in their learning and school life

At the heart of all we do are Gospel values and we model our lives on that of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The school provides specific opportunities for spiritual development:

  • Assembly every week
  • Mass on a rota every Thursday
  • Daily prayer at registration
  • Retreats for all pupils in Years 7-10
  • Whole school Masses and Carol Service
  • Debrabant Day, when we celebrate our founder’s mission
  • Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent and opportunities for prayer such as Stations of the Cross
  • Forms decide a charity to support as well as raising funds for the school’s charities of HCPT and our sister school in Tanzania

Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)

Our self-development, pastoral, additional needs, mentoring and mediation programmes reflect each dimension of ‘SEAL’, in nurturing empathy, self-awareness, self-motivation and social skills. The school is also active in creating new approaches within the curriculum, special days, peer mentoring and support club activities. These experiences provide a deeper understanding of these SEAL areas and the chance to reflect, practice skills and receive feedback in a smaller group contexts.

Keeping you informed

We aim to keep you informed about what is happening at the school in relation to your daughter’s progress and events at the school. We do this by providing:

  • School Journal: Your daughter’s school journal ensures you can keep up to date with your daughter’s progress on a daily basis including homework set and progress in class. You can see how many achievement points and behaviour points she is receiving and what these are for.  You can also write messages for teaching staff and tutors in the journal: please ask your daughter to show this to her tutor / teacher.
  • Two short progress reports and one longer report each academic year
  • One Parents’ Evening and a Progress Review Day at the start of the school year (see calendar dates on navigation bar)
  • Up to date information on our website :
  • Regular electronic messaging regarding attendance and punctuality
  • Text messaging and e-mails about all school events, including on-site uniform sales

We ask that parents keep us informed about the following: 

  • Absences, by leaving a message on the school phone (0207 428 4600)
  • Changes of address or telephone number
  • Any occurrence which could affect your daughter's behaviour or ability to concentrate at school
  • Medical Conditions

Contact information is particularly important in case of a medical emergency.

Hospital treatment is usually withheld until a parent or carer is present. We must be able to contact someone named by you at all times.